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Jacqueline Loor's 'I'm Done With You' Is My New Favorite Breakup Song

Content warning: The following article has mentions of emotional abuse, substance abuse and toxic relationships. Reader discretion is advised.

Photo courtesy of Jacqueline Loor

At Shifter, we pride ourselves on being ahead of the curve when it comes to discovering new music artists — especially if the artist happens to be a woman of color. Today, we're spotlighting Jacqueline Loor. Haven't heard of her? Well, you're about to.

Raised in Miami and based in Spain, Jacqueline Loor is an up-and-coming Latina artist you don’t want to miss. She blends the English and Spanish languages within her songs, never straying far from her roots. Her music isn’t bright, bubblegum pop --- it’s dark and authentic. Her lyrics tackle love, heartbreak and everything in between.

Loor draws from her own experience, as well as those closest to her when songwriting. She wrote her first song at 18 while coming to terms with the end of a relationship. Her first album "Show Them" was written for and dedicated to her identical twin sister. Neither of the sisters is a stranger to heartbreak. Loor’s latest single, "I’m Done With You" is a power ballad inspired by her sister’s decision to leave a long-term relationship that couldn’t be saved. It reflects the moment she realized that she was truly done with him.

"'I'm Done With You'" is about reaching the point in a relationship where you come to accept that no matter what you do, it will never work. Specifically, it's about my twin sister and what made her finally leave her husband after 15 years of being with him," Loor said of the single. "He battled depression and substance abuse the entire time they were together, and she always stayed in hopes she could save him until the day she saw that his disease was ultimately putting her children at risk. She finally had a moment of clarity and realized she could never save her husband, but she could save her children."

Loor's latest single is all about finding the courage to put yourself first. Not to mention, it sounds like it would be perfect for a movie trailer. It is emotional, empowering, and most of all, relatable.

Everyone has been in that toxic relationship or dark place that they didn’t think they could rise above. I've been there too many times to count. I was the person hoping that they would change, staying against my better judgment. This song serves as a reminder that you’re strong, and the only person you need is yourself. I wish I could've listened to it during that time.

"Looking back, I realize I've also stayed in toxic relationships much longer than I should have, giving people more time to destroy my self-worth. I hope this song empowers anyone who is in a similar situation," Loor said.

At 36 years old, Jacqueline proves that it’s never too late to love yourself… or follow your dreams.

You can listen to “I’m Done With You” wherever you get your music: Apple Music, Soundcloud or Spotify.

Don’t forget to follow Jacqueline Loor on Instagram for updates on her life and music.

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