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How to Safely Celebrate Spring Break During the Pandemic

Photo by Donald Giannatti on Unsplash

With Spring Break around the corner, travel plans have once again been postponed this year as the COVID-19 crisis continues to affect thousands of people across the globe. Although we have made improvements with the vaccinations that have been distributed within the United States, the country still faces an increasing number of cases each day as people fail to follow health guidelines.

It’s important to note that while the vaccine does help fight against COVID-19, it does not mean one can go out in a large group setting with no caution whatsoever. Instead, individuals should seek out alternatives that are not only fun but also ensure safety and caution.

Here are the top five ways to safely have fun during Spring Break this year:

Online Escape Room

Photo by Gabriel Benois on Unsplash

Struggling to find a fun activity to do with your friends? Consider doing a virtual escape room! QuizBreaker has an amazing list of escape rooms with themes ranging from Harry Potter to Romeo and Juliet that will certainly leave you wanting to join again.

Socially-Distanced Picnic Hang

Photo by Svetlana Kuznetsova on Unsplash

By practicing health guidelines and wearing masks, you and your besties can go to the local park and create an aesthetically pleasing picnic that is perfect for bringing on the spring weather.

*Bonus points if you and your besties are all vaccinated*

Virtual PowerPoint Party

Thanks to Zoom and its amazing technology, you can screen-share and unleash your inner creativity by doing a presentation on a topic of your choosing. You and a group of friends can have fun with the range of topics and do a PowerPoint on the most random of subjects or things.

Destination-Themed Party At-Home

Photo by Lee Vue on Unsplash

Who needs a spring break trip to the beach when you have your backyard to do the job? With a destination-themed party, you and your family can recreate the postponed travel plans and live in the moment as y’all have fun while safe at home.

At-Home Spa Day

Photo by CRYSTALWEED cannabis on Unsplash

Last on the list is a day for you and only you. If you don’t feel like doing spring cleaning, then consider taking a day to cleanse your mind, body and soul as you create an at-home spa day with your favorite candles accompanied by your go-to list of songs that lifts your spirits.

Even though times may get hard with the ongoing pandemic, it’s important to not only take care of your physical health but also your mental health. Be sure to take the time to check in with yourself mentally as well as continue to follow CDC guidelines so that we can eventually, and hopefully, make travel plans again.

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