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The Tale of Sweet & Bitter: Submissions for Issue V

Photo by Andreas Dress on Unsplash

Shifter Mag is now looking for submissions for our next issue!

Volume II Issue 2 is themed Bittersweet. This is a dual concept issue, allowing artists, writers, and creators to encompass either their sweet or bitter side. Are you cloyed with life? Stuck on a silver lining? Has something, or somewhen or someone, ever been so sweet you turned sour? Let us know.

Bittersweet is all about sweetness with a bitter aftertaste, about the arousing pleasure tinged with sadness or pain, or the plummeting pain followed by a silver lining. The concept of bittersweet follows the entanglement of emotions within ourselves, the sensation we can't be both happy and sad at the same time; but at the same time, we can be winners and losers simultaneously.

Submissions for our issue can include (but are not limited to):

  • art (any form)

  • photography

  • essays

  • poems

  • stories

  • look books

  • playlists

  • thoughts

  • secrets

  • anything else you might come up with!

Here at Shifter Mag, we are looking for raw, moving content that tells a story and makes others talk. But we're also here to create a safe space for all. We are committed to embracing diversity, inclusion and equality.

We, however, will not tolerate nor publish ANY type of work that promotes discrimination, racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia or any kind of prejudice against any group of people.

The deadline for our submissions is October 20 at 11:59 p.m EST. All submissions must be sent to . After submitting, please allow the Shifter team up to two weeks to review and reply to your submission.

We're excited to see your submissions, Shifters!

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